Killing My Lobster Presents:


Image by Cody Rishell.

Bodies--we all have 'em. Our own very special little skinbags of meat. From womb to tomb, our bodies are a source of joy, frustration, and quirks galore. Killing My Lobster produces an hour of sketch comedy that explores and celebrates the body from tip to toe...from the microbiome in your gut, to reproductive rights, to that cool-looking double-jointed thumb trick your aunt does at dinner. Join us--because laughter injects endorphins into your brain, or whatever.

August 19th - September 2nd, Thurs - Sat. All shows at 8pm.

Join us at CounterPulse at 80 Turk St, San Francisco, CA.


Director: Maya Herbsman; Head Writer: Meghan Trowbridge; Stage Manager: Sam Taylor


Charlie Gray

Benny Garcia

Isabel To

Jan Gilbert

Marisa Hankins


Ela Banerjee

JB Tang

Dan Michel

Matthew Beld

COVID POLICY: In line with local mandates, Killing My Lobster asks their audiences to mask up inside the theatre space unless they are enjoying a beverage. We thank you for taking this step to ensure the safety of our artists and community.